Mechanical and Release Properties of Paracetamol Tablets Formulated With Some Natural and Modified Starch Mucilages

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Adedokun Musiliu
Itiola Oludele


Mechanical and release properties of paracetamol tablets formulated with mucilages of natural and pregelatinized forms of trifoliate yams, rice and standard corn starch BP have been evaluated. Tensile strength (T) and degree of brittleness (BFI) were employed to assess the mechanical properties of the tablets while disintegration time (Dt) and dissolution profiles (ti, t80, k1 and k2) were used to study their release properties. Results of the evaluation showed that tablets containing pregelatinized starches had lower T but also lower BFI than those formulated with natural starch binders. Values of disintegration time Dt and t80 (the time for 80% paracetamol to be released) were generally higher for formulations containing natural starch binders than those containing pregelatinized binders. The rate of drug release, as expressed by the dissolution rate constants k1 and k2, were higher for formulations containing pregelatinized binders, with k2 being generally higher than k1. Statistically, there were significant differences (p<0.05) between the values of these parameters for natural and pregelatinized
starch binders. The ranking of T and t80 for all the starch binders was corn > yellow T. yam > white T. yam > rice. For BFI, the ranking was yellow T. yam < corn < white T. yam < rice. These results suggest that mucilages of natural and pregelatinized starches from white and yellow trifoliate yams and rice are suitable as binders in paracetamol tablet production and may even perform better than corn starch BP in some formulations.


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Comment citer
Musiliu, A. ., & Oludele, I. . (2020). Mechanical and Release Properties of Paracetamol Tablets Formulated With Some Natural and Modified Starch Mucilages. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 1(2), 46–66. Consulté à l’adresse
Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Adedokun Musiliu

Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria.

Itiola Oludele

Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.


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