Quality Assessment of Some Brands of Piroxam Capsules

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Igboasoiyi A. C.
Eseyin O. A.
Oladimeji H. O.
Akpan R. J.


The quality assessment of eleven brands of piroxicam capsules marketed in Nigeria, which included confirmation of their label claims were carried out. Non-aqueous titrimetric evaluation showed that all but two of the brands contained a chemical equivalent of piroxicam within limits of official compendia specifications. However, one of the brands failed the weight uniformity determination as specified by both the British and United States Pharmacopoeia for enteric coated capsules. The dissolution test results were subjected to statistical analyses using a model independent approach employing difference factor (f1) and similarity factor (f2) to compare the dissolution profiles of the brands. The outcome indicated that five out of the eleven brands tested.


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NIJOPHASR, A. C., I. . ., O. A., E., H. O. , O., & R. J., A. (2020). Quality Assessment of Some Brands of Piroxam Capsules. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 1(2). Retrieved from http://mail.nijophasr.net/index.php/nijophasr/article/view/17


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