Evaluation of the Readiness for Collaborative Practice Between Pharmacists and Doctors for Better Drug Utilization in an Urban Setting.

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Udoh I. Emmanuel
Awofisayo S. Olajide


The responsiveness to collaborative practice between pharmacists and doctors in Ikot Ekpene -an urban centre was assessed. Questionnaires were administered freely in the study area to healthcare professionals to assess the prevailing knowledge about issues of collaborative practice. A pharmaceutical care centre was established at a central point in the study area with four pharmacists in attendance for the study. 10 general practitioners (GP)were randomly selected from the compiled list of doctors and invitations sent to them for a collaborative practice lasting 4 months (September to December). Phone calls for drug and patient related enquiries from the invited physicians, physician’s personal visits and patient referrals with respect to the collaboration were noted and analyzed.One hundred and thirty nine (139) respondents in the healthcare team attempted the questionnaires.The study population comprised of 8.6% and 28.1% pharmacists and doctors respectively. Sixty four percent (64%) of the doctorsand forty three percent(43%)of the pharmacistsrespondents have less than 10 years practice experience. About twenty eight percent(28.8%) of thepharmacists and the doctors were involved in both private and public sector practice. The average telephone calls to the pharmaceutical care unit from the doctors per month was significantly higher than visits and referrals (P<0.05).The modal value of the personal convictions for collaborative practice by healthcare practitioners was greater than 3.0, an indication of above average ranking on a scale of 1-5. The mean±SD monthly telephone calls, referrals and visits to the pharmaceutical care centre were 5.6±3.2, 6.5±2.4 and 1.9±0.8 respectively.There was an increasing awareness of the benefits of collaborative effort in the healthcare sector. It is hoped that this would facilitate better patient care.


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NIJOPHASR, Emmanuel, U. . I. ., & Olajide, A. . S. . . . (2020). Evaluation of the Readiness for Collaborative Practice Between Pharmacists and Doctors for Better Drug Utilization in an Urban Setting . Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 1(2). Retrieved from http://mail.nijophasr.net/index.php/nijophasr/article/view/16


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