Evaluation of the in-vitro Combination Effects of Some Common Antibiotics on the Antibacterial Activity of Hippocratea africana Root Extracts in Folkloric Herbal therapy of Infections and Diseases
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Antibacterial activities of Hippocratea africana root extracts and their combinations with some standard antibiotics were evaluated by activity index profile (AIP) technique to ascertain the efficacy of such practices in folkloric-herbal therapy of infectious- diseases. Antibacterial activities of aqueous , methanol and ethanol extracts of H. Africana, assessed by agar-well diffusions technique, indicated broad-spectrum of activity significantly (P<0.05) highest for the aqueous than the other extracts. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), of the extracts determined by the reference standard agar-dilution technique (ADT, indicated predominantly low MIC values: aqueous (1.57–12.5mg/ml); ethanol (6.25 –25.0mg/ml and methanol (12.5 –25.0 mg/ml) and correspondingly low MBC values, indicating time- dependent bactericidal activities. combination of the extracts with the common standard antibiotics at sub-inhibitory concentrations (I x MIC), assessed by the agar-well diffusion technique, indicated remarkable antibacterial comparable to the single agents. The outcome/nature of the combination empirically determined by the AIP, predominantly showed synergism, few additivity or indifference and no antagonism.
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