Quality Assessment of Various Brands of Sachet Water In Uyo

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A. C. Igboasoiyi
P. A. Iberi
T. A. Akpan


Thirteen brands of sachet water, samples A-M, purchased randomly in Uyo metropolis, were analyzed for colour, odour, taste, turbidity, pH, total dissolved solids and conductivity. Other parameters evaluated included presence and quantity of various cations and anions as well as presence of microbial organisms and their biochemical reactions using standard methods. Eleven of the brands met the World Health Organization (WHO) standard in terms of pH value. All the brands were satisfactory in colour while five brands were defective in both taste and odour. Chemical compounds like cyanide and phenol were found in four and twelve brands respectively. Chemical elements such as selenium, copper, barium, iron, and calcium were found in concentrations above WHO stipulated values in some of the brands. Only two of the brands were devoid of any microbe. The remaining eleven brands had one or more of the following organisms- Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albus, Bacillus subtilis, Madurella myetomi, Micrococcus species, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus and Chaetonium. None of the brands had manufacturing or expiry dates. The results showed that only one of the brands, out of the thirteen brands assayed, that is 7%, passed all the tests and, as such is fit for human consumption without further purification.


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Comment citer
Igboasoiyi , A. C., Iberi , P. A., & Akpan , T. A. (2020). Quality Assessment of Various Brands of Sachet Water In Uyo. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 4(1), 34–40. Consulté à l’adresse http://mail.nijophasr.net/index.php/nijophasr/article/view/73
Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

A. C. Igboasoiyi

Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo

P. A. Iberi

Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo.

T. A. Akpan

Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo.


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