In vitro Control of Chalara paradoxa Isolated from Raphia hookeri (Mann and Wendel) Fruits using Diethyl ether, Acetone and Methanol Extracts of the Seeds of Aframomum sceptrum

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O. B Okogbenin
A. O. Emoghene
E. A. Okogbenin
O. D. Esiegbuya
E. A. Oruade-Dimaro


The study of in vitro biological control of Chalara paradoxa using the local spice Aframomum sceptrum was carried out by using different solvent extracts such as diethyl ether, acetone and methanol extracts of the seeds of A. sceptrum with the aim of assessing the antimicrobial potential of the seeds and the most active solvent extract on the pathogen. The results of the
inhibitory activity of diethyl ether, acetone and methanol extracts on the in vitro mycelia growth of C. paradoxa showed that diethyl ether seed extract exerted the highest inhibitory effect compared to the other extracts and the fungicide Mancozeb used. The results of the phytochemical screening of the three extracts shows that methanolic extract to had the highest
amount of phenols, reducing sugar and steroids. The acetone extract had the highest amount of alkaloids and oxalate while the diethyl ether seed extract had the least amount of oxalate. The ability of these extracts to have an inhibitory effect on the in vitro mycelia growth of C. paradoxa can be attributed to the presence of the phytochemical agents detected in them.


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Comment citer
Okogbenin , O. B., Emoghene , A. O., Okogbenin , E. A., Esiegbuya , O. D., & Oruade-Dimaro , E. A. (2014). In vitro Control of Chalara paradoxa Isolated from Raphia hookeri (Mann and Wendel) Fruits using Diethyl ether, Acetone and Methanol Extracts of the Seeds of Aframomum sceptrum. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 3(1), 15–23. Consulté à l’adresse
Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

O. B Okogbenin

Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, PMB 1030, Edo State, Nigeria.

A. O. Emoghene

Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin. Edo state, Nigeria

E. A. Okogbenin

Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, PMB 1030, Edo State, Nigeria

O. D. Esiegbuya

Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, PMB 1030, Edo State, Nigeria.

E. A. Oruade-Dimaro

Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research, PMB 1030, Edo State, Nigeria


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