Effect of Process Parameters on the Viscosity and pH of Acetic Anhydride Modified Cassava Starch

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A. O. Ameh
D. Abutu
S. Andoor


Design Expert was utilised for response surface modelling to optimize experimental conditions for the modification of cassava starch. A total of 13 runs were carried out and the results obtained were used to generate models. The significance and adequacy of the model generated were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The effects of three factors: composition (1-10 wt./vol. %), time (20-40mins) and temperature (25-40oC) on two responses: viscosity(cp), and pH were studied and suitable and significant quadratic models were built to predict the responses and various graphs depicting favourable relationships were obtained. The modification using different reaction parameters gave a viscosity range of 142 to 275cp from that of 262cp of the native starch while the pH obtained ranges from 6.7 to 8.46 which is an improvement from that of 4.54 of native starch. The model that best explain the effect of acetic anhydride composition (A), temperature (B), and time(C) on pH and Viscosity were; (for viscosity) ???????????????????????????????????? = +268.00 ? 19.6???? + 2.12???? ? 0.47???? ?32.88????2 ? 35.87????2 + 2.12????2 + 3.63???????? + 3.63???????? ? 0.62????????, (and pH) ???????? = +8.46 + 0.15???? + 1.250???? ?003???? + 0.13???? ? 0.48????2 ? 0.64????2 ? 0.071????2 + 0.061???????? ? 0.23???????? ? 0.049????????. These mathematical models generated gave good fits to the experimental results (R2 greater than 0.99).


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How to Cite
Ameh , A. O., Abutu , D., & Andoor , S. (2020). Effect of Process Parameters on the Viscosity and pH of Acetic Anhydride Modified Cassava Starch. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 7(1), 22–28. Retrieved from http://mail.nijophasr.net/index.php/nijophasr/article/view/202
Author Biographies

A. O. Ameh

Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

D. Abutu

Department of Chemical Sciences, Federal University Wukari

S. Andoor

Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria


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