Patients’ Perception on Doctor –Pharmacist Collaborative Practice In Medical Care

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Fabian Y. Agwo
Danjuma A. Garba
Noel N. Wannang
Dangiwa A. Dauda


Patient care is a complex activity demanding cooperative work between health and social care professionals for optimal outcomes. Patient satisfaction is a yardstick for measuring quality of care and has become a standard part of evaluation of healthcare system. The study intends to find out the patients’ level of satisfaction with care received and their perception of doctor-pharmacist collaboration. The study is a survey using questionnaires to determine the attitudes and expectations of patients that consented to take part in the research. The data obtained were computed and analyzed using a computer based analytical software. A descriptive statistics of the responses showed consensus decision amongst the respondents. From the one-way analysis of variance, there was no significant difference (p= 0.591) in the mean perception score across occupational status, educational status (P= 0.162) and age groups. An independent-samples t-test showed no significant difference (p=0.287) across gender. The Patients showed satisfaction with care received and expressed that doctor-pharmacist collaboration will reduce medication problems, mistakes/risks as well as improve the quality of care with an expectation that such collaboration is necessary and should be encouraged.


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How to Cite
Agwo, F. Y. ., Garba, D. A. ., Wannang, N. N. ., & Dauda, D. A. . (2020). Patients’ Perception on Doctor –Pharmacist Collaborative Practice In Medical Care. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 3(2), 17–28. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Fabian Y. Agwo

Pharmacy Department, Plateau State Specialists Hospital, Jos, Nigeria P.O. Box 327 Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria. Telephone: +234 803 703 4440

Danjuma A. Garba

Pharmacy Department, Plateau State Specialist Hospital, Jos, Nigeria

Noel N. Wannang

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria

Dangiwa A. Dauda

Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria.


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