Patients’ Perception on Doctor –Pharmacist Collaborative Practice In Medical Care
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Patient care is a complex activity demanding cooperative work between health and social care professionals for optimal outcomes. Patient satisfaction is a yardstick for measuring quality of care and has become a standard part of evaluation of healthcare system. The study intends to find out the patients’ level of satisfaction with care received and their perception of doctor-pharmacist collaboration. The study is a survey using questionnaires to determine the attitudes and expectations of patients that consented to take part in the research. The data obtained were computed and analyzed using a computer based analytical software. A descriptive statistics of the responses showed consensus decision amongst the respondents. From the one-way analysis of variance, there was no significant difference (p= 0.591) in the mean perception score across occupational status, educational status (P= 0.162) and age groups. An independent-samples t-test showed no significant difference (p=0.287) across gender. The Patients showed satisfaction with care received and expressed that doctor-pharmacist collaboration will reduce medication problems, mistakes/risks as well as improve the quality of care with an expectation that such collaboration is necessary and should be encouraged.
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