Evaluation of Antipsychotic Properties of Aqueous Extract of Lophira alata (Ochnaceae) and Afzelia africana (Leguminosae) Stem Barks in Rats
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Stem barks of Lophira alata (family: Ochnaceae) and Afzelia africana (family: Leguminosae) are used in
ethnomedicine for the management of psychosis. Since no existing data was found on their anti-psychotic properties,
this study was carried out to evaluate their ability to reduce amphetamine induced stereotypy in rats. The oral mean
lethal dose (LD50) of both extracts was estimated and preliminary phytochemical screening was conducted. Lophira
alata and Afzelia africana extract (6.25, 12.5 and 25 mg/kg po) was investigated for antipsychotic potential on
amphetamine induced stereotypy model in rats. The LD50 of each of the plants was estimated to be greater than 5000
mg/kg. Oral administration of Lophira alata and Afzelia africana extract produced a significant reduction (p<0.05)
in locomotive activity and in episodes of rearing and sniffing typical of stereotypy in rats. The results obtained
suggest that the aqueous stem bark extract of Lophira alata and Afzelia africana possess antipsychotic properties
which may account for their use in ethnomedicine.
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