Assessing The Material, Compressional And Mechanical Properties Of Three Novel Excipients For Direct Compression
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This investigation was aimed at evaluating the physical, mechanical and compressional properties of three new novel excipients (co-processed polymers of Cocoyam starch and gelatin) as sole excipients in metronidazole tablet formulations using direct compressional method of tablet preparation. Starch extracted from Cocoyam was co-fused with gelatin at different ratio: 90/10, 80/20 and 70/30. The obtained novel excipients were batched as AMI_10, AMI_20 and AMI_30; these were thereafter evaluated as direct compressible excipient in metronidazole tablet formulations. Physical and flow parameter tests were conducted on the novel excipients using standard methods, while the compressional and mechanical properties were evaluated using Heckel, Kawakita equations, and the brittle fracture index (BFI). The yields of the various batches co-processed new excipients were above 80% , no interactions were observed between the two components (starch and gelatin) as showed in the FTIR spectra and there were improvements in the flow characteristics of the novel excipients when compare to native starch. The mean yield pressure py an indication of onset of plastic deformations, can be ranked as, AMI_10 < AMI_30 < AMI_20, while the total plastic deformations, Pk was in the rank order of, AMI_30 < AMI_10 <, AMI_20. AMI_30, with the highest total plastic deformations, invariable also had the least brittle fracture index (BFI) and as such AMI_30 will be expected to give tablets with low or no production defects such as capping and lamination when used as a direct compressible excipient
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