Evaluation of Phytochemical Components of Aqueous Root extracts of Cassia alata and Its Pharmacological Effects on Isolated Rat Jejunum
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Cassia alata Linn is one of the most important species of the genus Cassia, which is now widely distributed in the tropics. The root of Cassia alata had been preferentially used early in this century in the South-South part of Nigeria, especially as laxative and abortifacient by women, with apparent success.This study evaluated the phytochemical components of Cassia alata root using standard methods of screening; also the stimulatory effects of the aqueous extract of Cassia alata root on isolated tissue from rat jejunum were studied by suspending each tissue piece in a 25 ml organ bath using in vitro experimental procedures. It also proffers into the possible mechanism of its action by comparison to known standard agonists and antagonists. Phytochemical screening of the roots of Cassia
alata confirmed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, reducing compounds, glycosides and polyphenols. Thestimulatory effect of the aqueous extract of Cassia alata root (8 x 10-4 -8 x 10-7 g/ml) on the rat jejunum were not attenuated by Atropine, propranolol or phentolamine. This suggests to a greater extent specific interaction with specific receptor, and to a lesser extent, the involvement of non-specific interaction with specific receptor at higher concentration of the extract. The aqueous extract exhibited marked dose-dependent spasmodic effect on druginduced contractions of the jejunum. Cassia alata root could be therefore be a possible plant source of laxative drugs
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