Microbial contamination of tooth brushes and tooth brush keeping places among apparently healthy individuals in Egor LGA, Benin City
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Background: Toothbrushes may become contaminated with microorganisms as they are often kept in unsanitary conditions such as the bathroom and toilets which facilitate bacteria growth.
Methods: This study was conducted to evaluate the microbial contamination of toothbrushes and tooth brush keeping places among apparently healthy individuals in Egor LGA, Benin City. A total of sixty (60) apparently healthy individuals that consented to participate were recruited for this study. Toothbrush was given to each participant for normal use and keep and collected after a period of 4months. Pour plate technique using nutrient agar was used for primary isolation. Culture on Mac Conkey and chocolate agar plates was used for differentiation of organisms. Macroscopic, microscopic and biochemical examination were further carried out for identification of each organism isolated.
Results: A predorminance of 58.33% microorganism was obtained from the toothbrush of apparently healthy individuals in Egor LGA. Of the microorganism isolated, E. coli (36.6%) and Lactobacilus spp (36.6%) were the most predominant organism followed by Bacillus cereus (14.6%), Coagulase negative Staphyloccous (7.3) while Pseudomonas aeroginosa and Klebsiella spp were both (2.4%). No significant relationship existed between gender, age and toothbrush contamination. Tooth brush keeping place, length of usage and toothbrush casing had no significant statistical correlation with the toothbrush contamination.
Conclusion: From our study, bacteria contamination of toothbrushes and toothbrush keeping places is very high. Toothbrushes and toothbrush keeping places should be properly maintained.
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