Anticonvulsant activity of leaf extract of Heinsia crinata BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF HEINSIA CRINATA
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Background: Heinsia crinata(Afzel). G. Tayl. (Rubiaceae), is used in Ibibio ethnomedicine for the treatment of various diseases such as CNS disorders. The anticonvulsant activity of the leaf extract was studied.
Method: The ethanol leaf extract of H. crinata (450-1350 mg/kg) was investigated for anticonvulsant activity in mice against pentylenetetrazol, aminophylline and isoniazid-induced convulsion models to assess anticonvulsant activity.
Results: The extract was found to significantly (p<0.005-0.01) and dose-dependently offered protection against PTZ-, aminophylline and isoniazid-induced convulsions in mice.
Conclusion: The leaf extract of H. crinata possess anticonvulsant activity and this supports its use in ethnomedicine for the treatment of central nervous system disorders.
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