Prevalence and molecular detection of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing Burkholderia species from clinical and environmental sources in Abeokuta Ogun State Nigeria.
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Background: Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase producing bacteria is increasing across the globe. This study investigated the prevalence and molecular detection of ESBL producing Burkholderia sp from clinical and environmental sources in Abeokuta.
Methods: The clinical (135) and environmental (53) samples were examined. Clinical samples were obtained from diabetic (71) and HIV (64) patients. Samples were cultured on Burkholderia cepacia selective agar. Isolates were identified using biochemical procedures and confirmed with 16SrRNA pair of primer set (1500 bp). Antimicrobial susceptility test was performed by disc diffusion method. Production of ESBL were determined using double disc synergy method. Gene encoding CTX-M was probed by PCR and gel electrophoresis using blaCTX-M pair of primer set (650 bp). Fifteen isolates (8%) were identified as Burkholderia sp, using biochemical procedure and confirmed by 16SrRNA gene sequencing.
Results: All the 15 (8%) isolates were resistant to cefuroxime, augumentin (100), ceftazidime (93.3 %), gentamycin (60 %), ofloxacin, cefixime and ciprofloxacin (53.3 %). Least resistance was recorded against nitrofurantoin (26.7 %). Ten (66.7 %) isolates were multidrug resistant. Five (33.3 %) isolates exhibited ESBL production. Three (20 %) harbor CTX-M gene. Highest prevalence of Burkholderia sp was recorded against age group 46-55 (13.3 %). Similarly, higher prevalence of Burkholderia sp was recorded in females 9(6.7 %) than in males 4(3 %). No prevalence was recorded for age group 6-15 and 86-95.
Conclusion: This study revealed that Burkholderia sp were present, isolates obtained were multidrug resistant and harbor blaCTXM in clinical and environmental sources in Abeokuta.
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