Preliminary Assessment of Antibacterial ability of Chromobacterium violaceum isolated from a water body in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria
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Background: The current global antibiotic resistance crisis has led to an increase in the search for alternative therapies. Chromobacterium violaceum has attracted interest due to its antibacterial activity. This activity however differs depending on strain. This study set out to explore the antibacterial capabilities of C. violaceum isolated from Rivers State, Nigeria.
Methods: Water samples collected from different points of the New Calabar River were assessed for the presence of C. violaceum using standard microbiological techniques. Susceptibility testing was carried out using the Kirby Bauer technique and antibacterial activity assessed using the agar well diffusion and spot test.
Results: C. violaceum was only detected from a single sample of the six analyzed. This isolate was resistant to 50% of the antibiotics tested (Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Ceftazidime and Cefuroxime). No antibacterial activity was observed using the spot test. Activity was however noted using the agar well diffusion test against 4 different isolates representing 3 genera, one of which was the Gram negative Serratia marcescens, in addition to Bacillus sp and Staphylococcus aureus.
Conclusion: This study therefore reports on a strain of C. violaceum isolated from Rivers state which exhibits antibacterial activity not just against Gram positive bacteria but also against a Gram negative bacteria.
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