Utilisation Patterns Of Information Sources In Pharmacy Library Of University Of Uyo
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The study assessed the utilisation patterns of information sources in Pharmacy Library, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. The study population comprised all registered Faculty of Pharmacy Library users (i.e., students and staff of the Faculty) in 2009/2010 academic session. The study involved the use of research question and hypothesis. The number of users and the type of information sources consulted formed the instrument for analysis. The study design was ex-postfacto; it used data collected over a period of one year. Data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The finding showed significant relationship between utilisation and type of information sources consulted. The analyses also identified the types of information materials that were heavily, moderately and lightly used throughout the one-year period. The study recommends that the stock of heavily-used and moderately-used resources should be increased to multiple copies in order to satisfy user needs.
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