Comparative Study of the Influence of Mannitol and Sodium Chloride as Channeling Agents on the Release Profile of Diclofenac Tablets formulated using Acacia and Grewia mollis Gums
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The purpose of this study was to compare the influence of mannitol and sodium chloride as channeling agents on the release profiles of diclofenac matrix tablets formulated using Grewia mollis and acacia gums. Diclofenac matrix granules were prepared using wet granulation method. Acacia and grewia gums (10 %w/w) were used as binders. Varying amounts (50, 100, 150 and 200 mg) of mannitol or sodium chloride (channeling agent) were incorporated. Granules were evaluated for micromeritic properties while the formulated tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability and in vitro dissolution studies. Drug-excipient compatibility studies was done using Fourier Transform Infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy. All granules were free flowing with angle of repose .33.2‹. The hardness values were .8.5 KPa and the friability values were .0.88%. The higher the amount of the channeling agent, the higher the rate of drug release from the matrix tablets studied. The influence of mannitol on the release of diclofenac from the matrix system was significantly greater than that of sodium chloride (P<0.05) hence mannitol is a better channeling agent than sodium chloride which causes water retention therefore contraindicated in hypertensive patients.
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