Sources, Fate and Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment
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This review is dealing with the human exposure, sources, fate, health effects and possible ways to eliminate the hazardous effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the environment. PAHs are compounds produced as a result of day to day activities that have heaped up in the environment majorly as a result of anthropogenic activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, coal gasification, liquefying plants, and natural activities such as burning in the open, oil spillage, seepage of petroleum and volcanic activities. They are organic contaminants and they have a great resistant to deterioration and can also persist in the environment for a long time causing unfavourable environmental effects, some of the unfavourable environmental effects caused by these pollutants are identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic. The interest researchers have in solving these environmental problems has given rise to various researches over the years some of which include the possible ways to eliminate the pollutant from the natural environment. Remediation is an inspiring option to remove PAHs completely from the environment or convert them to compounds that are less harmful. There are diver methods through which the pollutants can be completely eliminated from the natural environment and each method has its own mode of operation and advantages. This review gives various methods such as chemical degradation; photolysis degradation; biodegradation and chemical adsorption degradation through which PAHs can be removed without possible side effects, the review also focuses on the sources, fate of PAHs, human exposure, health effect and its degradation among others.
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