Capsule Formulation of Moringa Oleifera seed for River Water Clarification
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Moringa oleifera (MO), is a tropical tree, whose seeds have been reported to contain high water-soluble proteins that act as effective flocculant and coagulant for water treatment. This study seeks to design an encapsulated formulation of the seed powder of MO which is standardized and can be easily applied for water clarification in rural setting thus enabling a greater chance of treating water with doses within standard limits especially in rural areas of developing and underdeveloped countries in line with World Bank report recommendations. Optimal extraction of oil using n-Hexane was carried out and the residual seed powder collected was encapsulated in a gelatin capsule. Treatment of sample water was carried out by directly using the encapsulated defatted seed cake powder of Moringa oleifera. The effective dose of encapsulated MO seed powder of 50mg/L to150 mg/L for reducing the Total Dissolved Solid, hardness, chloride, turbidity was evaluated. The powder filled into gelatin capsules was brown and spherical in shape with excellent flowing properties evidenced by an angle of repose of 27.02° and a Carr’s index of 5.02%. The weight uniformity of the capsules were within official limits over a 30day period and the capsules remained stable over the same period at room temperature. At a concentration of 150mg/L the encapsulated MO exhibited excellent antimicrobial, flocculant as well as coagulant properties. The formulation of capsulated Moringa oleifera seed-cake powder has been shown to be effective in water clarification
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