Effect of Cocos nucifera and Elaeis guineensis oils on the hypoglycaemic activity of metformin on alloxan-induced diabetic rats
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Background: Alloxan induced diabetes is a form of insulin dependent diabetes that occurs as a result of administration of alloxan to animals. The aim of this research work was to evaluate the hypoglycaemic potentials of Cocos nucifera and Elaeis guineensis oils and their effects when combined concurrently with metformin on alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in rat.
Methods: Virgin coconut oil (VCO) and palm kernel oil (PKO) were extracted using the hot extraction process. Diabetes was induced in the rats with alloxan and the blood glucose level was determined using a fine test glucometer.
Results: The result of the analysis revealed that VCO and PKO yielded 15.75 % and 13.50 % w/w oil, saponification values of 267.712 ± 0.07 mgKOH/g and 361.377 ± 1.69 mgKOH/g and acid value of 0.804 ± 0.09 mgKOH/g and 11.088 ± 0.09 mgKOH/g, respectively. The hypoglycaemic result revealed that the daily dose of PKO was able to cause a reduction in mean blood glucose level relative to negative control, bringing blood glucose level down 196 mg/dL within 7 days of administration. On the other hand, VCO drastically brought down glucose level but could not reduce it to the normal level within 14 days.
Conclusion: Therefore, the concomitant administration of VCO and PKO with metformin showed synergistic and antagonistic property, respectively.
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