Evaluation of visceral oil from aquaculture african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and giant sea catfish (Arius gigas) sold in Uyo, Nigeria

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Victor Anah
Aniekan S. Ebong
Romanus A. Umoh
Nkechi J. Onyeukwu
Mfonobong E. Alexander


Background: Fish oils serves as valuable medicinal drugs and food supplements globally depending on its quality. Analyses of oil present in the viscera of two commonly consumed fish species in Uyo metropolis was undertaken in this study.


Method: The species are Aquaculture african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Giant sea catfish (Arius gigas) and their extracted oils labelled FO1 and FO2 respectively. Specific gravity (SG), Acid value (AV), saponification value (SV), peroxide value (PV), ester value (EV), antioxidant property, refractive index (RI), optical activity (OA) and GC-MS analysis were carried out on the oils.


Results: Results show values of 0.92/0.91 as SG for FO1/FO2, RI values for FO1/FO2 as 1.521/1.551; OA values of FO1/FO2 as -0.130/0; AV of FO1/FO2 as 2.95/ 1.53; SV for FO1/FO2 as 186.25/175.20 (mgKOH/g); PV of FO1/FO2 as 9.00/5.94 (mEq/kg) and EV of 183.30/173.67 (mgKOH/mg) for FO1/FO2. These physicochemical parameters fall within recommended ranges. The DPPH Antioxidant assay showed significant deviation from the standard at P < 0.05 (P = 0.0003). The GC-MS results showed that both FO1 and FO2 contain EPA, DHA, squalene, ?-tocopherol and n-hexadecanoic acid. FO1 in addition contains linoleic acid, cholest-5-en-3-ol-(3?)-carbonochlorinate, a phenol and a dioxolane derivatives. FO2V in addition contains cholesterol, cholesterone and oleic acid.



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Comment citer
Anah, V., S. Ebong, A. ., A. Umoh, R. ., J. Onyeukwu, N. ., & E. Alexander, M. . (2021). Evaluation of visceral oil from aquaculture african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and giant sea catfish (Arius gigas) sold in Uyo, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 10(1), 1–9. Consulté à l’adresse http://mail.nijophasr.net/index.php/nijophasr/article/view/407
Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Aniekan S. Ebong

Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of

Romanus A. Umoh

Department of Pharmacognosy and Natural medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Nigeria.

Nkechi J. Onyeukwu

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Nigeria.

Mfonobong E. Alexander

Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Nigeria.


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